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What would the world look like if we could derive our identity from a more interactive form of communication that merges the digital and the physical?

For 50 years we’ve been trapped in two dimensions, with flat input devices like the mouse, track pad and touchscreen as our only windows into the digital world. John is passionate about how using neuroscience can inform building a truly natural operating environment for navigating the future of computing, one in which AR becomes a healthy, vital extension of who we are and creates deeper understanding, freer expression and optimal productivity.

Augmented reality will change the way we think about design, health, medicine. Imagine a neurosurgeon being able to superimpose a brain scan onto a patient’s head from different views before cutting into the patient’s head to remove a tumor.

Augmented reality superimposes digital information or images onto the physical world to enhance the way we view our surroundings (think Pokémon Go).

John Werner is an innovator, mobilizer, and human super connector. He constantly builds community and is a “moonshot” thinker, innovating as he goes while incorporating the latest technologies. He believes passionately in 21st century collaborative creativity in innovating with direct human or environmental impact. John is the vice president of Strategic Partnerships at Metavision where he explores augmented reality. He is the recipient of the Loeb Fellowship at Harvard Graduate Study of Design. Additionally, he is the founder of TEDxBeaconStreet and on the board of advisors for TEDx along with a number of other TED affiliations. His work has been featured in dozens of TED talks.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
