Augmented Sparsifiers for Generalized Hypergraph Cuts

Nate Veldt, Austin R. Benson, Jon Kleinberg; 24(207):1−50, 2023.


In this paper, we discuss the use of augmented sparsifiers for generalized hypergraph cuts. Hypergraph generalizations have been introduced to better model data and systems with multiway relationships. These generalizations involve a hypergraph cut function that assigns a penalty to each way of separating the nodes in a hyperedge. By reducing the generalized hypergraph cut problem to a directed graph cut problem, we can solve it more efficiently. However, the resulting graph may be very dense. To address this issue, we propose a framework for sparsifying hypergraph-to-graph reductions. This framework allows us to approximate the hypergraph cut function using a cut on a directed graph with fewer edges. We show that we can reduce any hyperedge with at most O(ε^(-1)|e|log|e|) edges, where ε > 0, and approximate the clique expansion with O(|e|ε^(-1/2)loglog(1/ε)) edges. Our framework leads to improved results for solving cut problems in various applications, including co-occurrence graphs, decomposable submodular function minimization problems, and localized hypergraph clustering problems.


