The Kerala Police has been using an AI-enabled face recognition system to help solve crimes. The system has been successful in solving two cases so far, but it has also raised some privacy concerns.

The first case that the system helped to solve was a theft case. The police had a security camera footage of the suspect, but they were unable to identify him. They used the AI-enabled face recognition system to match the suspect’s face to a database of known criminals. The system was able to identify the suspect, and he was arrested soon after.

The second case that the system helped to solve was a case of a dead body found in a river. The police had no leads in the case, but they used the AI-enabled face recognition system to match the face of the dead body to a database of missing persons. The system was able to identify the dead body, and the family of the victim was able to be notified.

The use of AI-enabled face recognition systems by the police has been controversial. Some people argue that the systems are a valuable tool that can help to solve crimes. Others argue that the systems are a privacy invasion and that they could be used to track people without their consent.

The Kerala Police has said that they will only use the AI-enabled face recognition system in cases where there is a clear public interest. They have also said that they will take steps to protect the privacy of individuals.

The use of AI-enabled face recognition systems by the police is a complex issue. There are both potential benefits and risks associated with the use of these systems. It is important to weigh the benefits and risks carefully before making a decision about whether or not to use these systems.

Benefits of AI-enabled face recognition systems

  • AI-enabled face recognition systems can help to solve crimes.
  • They can be used to track down criminals who are on the run.
  • They can be used to identify missing persons.
  • They can be used to prevent crimes from happening.

Risks of AI-enabled face recognition systems

  • They can be used to track people without their consent.
  • They can be used to discriminate against people.
  • They can be hacked and used for malicious purposes.


The use of AI-enabled face recognition systems by the police is a complex issue with both potential benefits and risks. It is important to weigh the benefits and risks carefully before making a decision about whether or not to use these systems.

The Kerala Police has said that they will only use the AI-enabled face recognition system in cases where there is a clear public interest. They have also said that they will take steps to protect the privacy of individuals.

It will be interesting to see how the use of AI-enabled face recognition systems by the police evolves in the future. These systems have the potential to be valuable tools for law enforcement, but it is important to ensure that they are used in a responsible and ethical manner.