Washington, D.C. – Scientists are using artificial intelligence (AI) to find rare earth elements (REEs). REEs are a group of 17 elements that are essential for a wide range of technologies, including electric vehicles, wind turbines, and smartphones.

Traditionally, REEs have been found in small quantities in a variety of minerals. This has made it difficult and expensive to extract them. However, AI is now being used to identify new REE deposits that were previously overlooked.

One way that AI is being used to find REEs is by analyzing satellite data. This data can be used to identify areas that are rich in REE-bearing minerals. AI can also be used to analyze geochemical data, which can provide information about the composition of rocks and soils.

Another way that AI is being used to find REEs is by developing new models for predicting REE concentrations. These models are trained on historical data and can be used to identify areas that are likely to contain REEs.

AI is also being used to develop new ways to extract REEs from ores. This is important because the traditional methods of extracting REEs can be environmentally damaging. AI can be used to identify new extraction methods that are more efficient and environmentally friendly.

The use of AI to find REEs is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to revolutionize the REE industry. AI could help to make REEs more accessible and affordable, which would benefit a wide range of industries.

How AI Is Helping Scientists Find Rare Earth Elements

AI is being used in a number of ways to help scientists find rare earth elements. One way is by using AI to analyze satellite data. This data can be used to identify areas that are rich in REE-bearing minerals. AI can also be used to analyze geochemical data, which can provide information about the composition of rocks and soils.

AI is also being used to develop new models for predicting REE concentrations. These models are trained on historical data and can be used to identify areas that are likely to contain REEs.

In addition, AI is being used to develop new ways to extract REEs from ores. This is important because the traditional methods of extracting REEs can be environmentally damaging. AI can be used to identify new extraction methods that are more efficient and environmentally friendly.

The Future of AI in Rare Earth Element Exploration

The future of AI in rare earth element exploration is bright. As AI technology continues to develop, it will become even more powerful and accurate in its predictions. This will allow scientists to identify new REE deposits more easily and efficiently.

In addition, AI could be used to develop new ways to extract REEs from ores that are currently considered to be uneconomical to mine. This would make REEs more accessible and affordable, which would benefit a wide range of industries.

Overall, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way that rare earth elements are explored and extracted. It is a powerful tool that can be used to make REEs more available and affordable.


The use of AI to find rare earth elements is a promising new development. AI has the potential to help scientists identify new REE deposits more easily and efficiently. This could make REEs more accessible and affordable, which would benefit a wide range of industries.

As AI technology continues to develop, it is likely that AI will play an even greater role in rare earth element exploration in the future.